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Minimising waste, and where possible eradicating it completely, throughout our shampoo's lifecycle is a top priority for us.
Which is why it pains me to admit that I recently screwed up and ruined a whole batch of our shampoo 😢
You're likely to have been using the same shampoo and the same washing routine for years.
It's a habit.
But if, like millions of others, you're looking to lower your personal impact on the planet, taking a few minutes to think about your hair washing habit could save a lot of waste.
We don't need a few folks living a "prefect" eco-friendly lifestyle, we need everyone to start with doing just a one thing differently and building from there.
When it comes to the technology we use, there are many simple changes we can make to reduce our impact on the environment. Here are our top nine:
Making solid shampoo bars individually in their own moulds is harder than making them as one big block of shampoo.
It takes more time to pour the shampoo. It requires more moulds to make a batch of shampoo. It takes more space to cure the bars.
But there are three very good reasons why we take the time and effort to make our shampoo bars this way...
Reaching innovators and early adopters is the focus for a small company like Tidy. We can generate, and then supply, the initial demand for mens solid shampoo from those trailblazers willing to try something new and different to their normal liquid shampoo.
We use organic coconut oil in our shampoo bars to enhance their lathering properties. And to add to their mild conditioning capability too.
Coconut oil can help protect your hair from damage too, so we get a three benefits for the price of one ingredient by adding it to our men's shampoo.
To summarise; the concept is to focus on making small, incremental improvements on a regular basis, rather than trying to make single big leap advances less frequently.
If you improve by just 1% per day, every day for a year you will have a compound improvement of 37 times by the end of the year!
Using a men's solid shampoo is a great way to lower your personal impact on the environment.
If you've already made the switch, maybe now would be a good time to try another small change to your lifestyle to further reduce your environmental impact...
Here are 10 ways you could to do just that in your kitchen...
Men across the UK need to be convinced to lose their bottle and embrace using solid shampoo.
To increase the chances of that happening the world's big shampoo makers need to be convinced to stop making, promoting and selling liquid shampoos. Or to at least offer their version of solid shampoos as alternatives in the men’s market.
That's a big ask for an industry that's making an estimated £144,000,000+ a year...
Both the powdered sodium hydroxide and the lye are highly reactive at room temperature and can cause serious chemical burns if they come into contact with skin or your eyes.
While handling both the powder and solution we wear protective gloves, face mask, goggles and a heavy apron.
It does look a bit Breaking Bad!
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